Stroke Recovery: Focus on Task Specific Training

Stroke is focal neurological deficit resulting from ischemic or hemorrhagic lesions in brain. It effects movement, balance, coordination, sensations which can lead to functional impairments or disabilities.

Task specific training is a complex and one of the most important techniques to get marked progress in post stroke cases. It emphasizes use of affected limbs using task-specific activities and experience. Adding simple goals in traditional physiotherapy can bring immense progress in neurological rehabilitation.

Task-specific training is based on the ideology that by adding some goals to the traditional physiotherapy approach. This challenges and motivates patient to perform it in a better way.

For instance, in sitting the dynamic balance training involves the use of moving arms up and down, but when another task such as throwing the ball into a basket can be added. Thus balance training can be done in a more motivating and challenging manner.

Basic Principles of Task-specific training

  • Initiating activities soon is important to utilize specific windows of opportunity.
  • Simple goal-oriented activities are designed on the basis of patient’s strengths and abilities to ensure success and motivation.
  • Level of difficulties in achieving goal is increased over time.
  • Patient is actively involved in goal setting and decision making to enhance motivation and commitment.
  • Practice is done in closed environment initially and then is progressed to open environment. Thus focusing on anticipated environment for daily functional activities.
  • Most important is long term repetition and extensive practice.
  • Prognosis after stroke and other neurological deficits depends upon brain damage severity and early intervention.

For task based assessment and training get in touch with our physiotherapist and get maximum progress. Call Now 052-765-8540